Cynthia A. Kierner
Professor of History
Director, Ph.D. Program in History
George Mason University
Fairfax, Virginia 22030

From: Cristina Perez <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2013 11:03 AM
To: Cristina Jo Perez
Subject: 10.16.13 Interventions: A Women's Studies Symposium.

You are invited! Please circulate these details and the attached flyer widely.

The University of Maryland's Women's Studies Graduate Student Association and the Department of Women's Studies are pleased to announce the First Annual Feminist Graduate Student Symposium:

Interventions: Women's Studies on the Edge

Wednesday, October 16, 9am to 5pm (registration at 8:30)

Juan Roman Jim?nez Room, 2208 Stamp Student Union

University of Maryland, College Park

Feminist scholarship at the University of Maryland engages a wide range of questions, topics, methods and disciplines meant to address the lived experiences and representations of women, especially with regard to issues such as gender, race, sexuality, nationality, disability, etc. This symposium highlights various feminist projects in development at the University Maryland and the surrounding area, profiling the cutting edge of feminist scholarship.

Registration is free and begins promptly at 8:30am. A complimentary light breakfast will be served during registration, and lunch will be provided during our Creative Showcase from 12-1pm. We also invite you to join us for a reception in the Women's Studies Multimedia Studio (Taliaferro 0135) following the symposium.

Up-to-date information, including a link to registration and a full schedule of events, is available at:<>

Visitor parking information for the University of Maryland, including parking rates, can be found here:

This event is co-sponsored by the Women's Studies Graduate Student Association, the Women's Studies Department, UMD Feminists, Queer Grads, the Graduate Student Government, and the Pepsi Enhancement Fund. This event is also funded in part by Graduate Student Activities Fee and is therefore open to the entire Graduate Student Community and the public.

Cristina Jo P?rez
Doctoral Student, Women's Studies
University of Maryland, College Park