Dear BIS Students, You may already have received the information below, but in the event that this is “news” to you, please be aware that you may experience difficulties with Masonlive in the near future. We, as staff, have already updated to the new Office365 system, and though there were a few hiccups the process was relatively painless. If you experience problems, let ITU know and they will work with you. Best wishes, Lenore Lenore Butcher Kuch, BIS '06 Student Services Manager Bachelor of Individualized Study (BIS) George Mason University 4400 University Drive, MS 5A9 Aquia Building, Room 230 Phone: 703-993-4556 Fax: 703-993-9476 email:[log in to unmask]<mailto:email:[log in to unmask]> Web: I am in the office Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM MASONLIVE upgrade August 6, 2013 8:05 AM Microsoft is in the process of upgrading all MASONLIVE email accounts from Live@EDU to Office 365. During this upgrade, some students are reporting temporary issues with their MASONLIVE accounts including missing messages and the inability to log in. These issues are related to the upgrade and should be resolved once Microsoft completes the upgrade process. In the interim, should you have difficulty logging in, you should try restarting your browser and clearing it's cache before attempting to log into MASONLIVE. Notification will be sent to your MASONLIVE email once this upgrade has completed. If you are still experiencing problems with your MASONLIVE account after receiving that notification, we request the you report them to the ITU Support Center at that time. More information about the upgrade is available on the overview/upgrade information page of the MASONLIVE web site at ITU Support Center (703) 993-8870 Keeping you safe. Keeping you secure. Keeping you connected. Mason. NOTE: Never give out your e-mail or Patriot Web Password or any other personal information via e-mail. We would never ask you for this information in an e-mail message.