This letter is to inform you of a monetary award for American Civil War Historians involved in research and publication. “The Governor John A. Andrew Civil War Writer’s Scholarship Award” The Seven & Eight Park Street Foundation has received a grant whose purpose is to support scholarly research into the American Civil War which will result in further information for dissemination for the public benefit. The award will be made at a black tie fundraising event for the Foundation’s benefit which event will be held at the Union Club of Boston. This notice is being sent to you of this opportunity for either academic persons pursuing masters or doctors degrees chiefly in the American Civil War or National Battlefield Park Historians working on their own time to write about various aspects of our American Civil War. The award will afford monetary support for their diligent research work in the pursuit of furthering the public’s knowledge of that conflict. Indeed, those graduate students in pursuit of a master degree or PhD candidates, and the many National Park historians who are doing research on their own time should be interested. Transportation to the Union Club will be covered, and an overnight guest room at the club will be provided. The Grant Award will be at least fifteen hundred ($1500) dollars. The award candidate should make application to the Seven & Eight Park Street Foundation describing their work and/ or its publication. A committee will review applications and decide to whom the grant will be awarded. Applications in short essay form should be submitted by November 30, 2013. The Award event will be held Friday, 7 February 2014 at a Black Tie dinner at the Union Club of Boston, located at Eight Park Street, Boston, Massachusetts. The award recipient will be the guest speaker for that evening’s event to be held in the memory of President Abraham Lincoln.. Power point or similar form may be utilized if desired by the speaker. The club has both a slide carousel and a power point projector but the speaker would need to bring his (her) own laptop. The Union Club of Boston was founded in 1863 during that great conflict which its founding members strongly supported for the preservation of the Union. Governor Andrew was a founding member and a very active supporter of the Union’s War efforts. He founded and equipped many Massachusetts Regiments including the 54th and 55th Volunteer Regiments with both uniforms and rifles. Please send inquires to Civil War Committee, Attention Charles Smallwood Union Club of Boston Eight Park Street Boston, Massachusetts 02108-4803 Best, Charlie T. Smallwood, Jr. Chair, Civil War Committee Union Club of Boston