Registration for Fall 2013 classes is open. Please register for classes as early as possible; it is a big help to the department!
I am available (via email, phone or in person) if you need some assistance with course selection, or if you have any general questions about degree requirements.
As I have mentioned before, please check the degree evaluation tool in Patriot Web after you have registered for classes to make sure that 1) the courses you have registered for apply toward the MS degree and 2) that you have not exceeded 6 elective credits.
Please see the requirements for the degree in the catalog under which you were admitted. Your catalog term is listed on the top of your Degree Evaluation and in your student information in Patriot Web. You can change your catalog term (with some restrictions)
using the form:
You do have an option of taking courses outside the department as elective credits in a customized plan of study that needs to be approved in writing. A customized plan of study must be submitted and approved in writing no later than the end of the semester
in which 15 credits have been completed. It should include a justification for the request for a modified plan of study.
You also can select either the professional or research option depending on your career ambitions. The choice must be made no later than the end of the semester in which 15 credits have been completed. You do not need to notify the department of your decision
if you choose the professional option. However, if you decide to do the research option, you do need to let me know.
Finally, some information on two new programs; details are available in the 2013-2014 Mason catalog that was recently made available online:
1) There is a new certificate available in Data Analytics. Contact Dr. Hughes-Oliver (
[log in to unmask]) for details. Two of the four courses (STAT 515 and OR 531) for this certificate can be applied
toward the 6 elective credits for the MS in Statistical Science degree.
2) An MS degree in Biostatistics is now available. You can transfer from the MS in Statistical Science to the MS in Biostatistics. Contact Dr. Tang (
[log in to unmask]) for details.
Thank you,
Dr. Davis