Hi Steve,

I'd recommend taking a quick look on Oracle's Java tutorial about Jar 
files, it may help you solve these kind of issues:


Also, I'd recommend using the Oracle JVM instead of GIJ, it may help 
avoid some compatibility issues.

You may consider a Jar file as an executable, just like an Exe or Elf 
file: you don't hack your software into other runnables. Instead, you 
use them as dependencies (like so/dll files).

So you should create a different Jar file with a /MANIFEST.MF/ file, 
containing a /Main-Class/ attribute (that refers to your model class) 
and a /Class-Path/ entry (that refers to Mason and other Jars you are 

If you have that and still get some erros like /"A Java Exception has 
occurred"/, please post the exception stacktrace so we can help you with 
the concrete issue.


Richard O. Legendi
Software developer
Intelligent Applications and Web Services
AITIA International, Inc.

On 2013.04.02. 1:27, Steve Kraska wrote:
> Hey Sean,
> You're right about the message popping up from Windows. I did not try to run the
> jar on a java VM.
> Where should I enter the java -cp myJarFile.jar line? I tried in the jar directory on
> unix and got:
> Usage: gij [OPTION] ... CLASS [ARGS] ...
>            to invoke CLASS.main, or
>         gij -jar [OPTION] ... JARFILE [ARGS] ...
>            to execute a jar file
> Try `gij --help' for more information.
> Furthermore, I never created a myJarFile.jar. From what your code looked like, I
> thought I was altering the mason.16.jar file. If I need to tweak the code to
> generate my own jar file if you think that would make a difference, let me know.
> -Steve