On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 3:35 PM, Luís de Sousa <[log in to unmask]>wrote:

> I'm trying to import a shapefile using the code attached. I'm testing
> it against one of the free North Carolina datasets and get the
> following output:
> Error: ShapeFileImporter.ingest(...): ShapeType POINTZ not supported.

ingest()?  That should be read().  (Oddly enough that's what's in the
example you sent.)  That hints that you're using an older version of
GeoMason.  Retry using the latest version found in Subversion.

Exception using OGRImporter:
> file:/media/Data/ncshape/firestations.shp not found
> sim.field.geo.GeomVectorField@337d0f
> Different results for the same file path. Lack of support for this
> particular geometry type is not serious, but OGR not finding files
> might be. Any idea of what must be changed for OGR to find the
> shapefile?
I'm able to reproduce the OGR importer problem.  I can read my test shape
file using the native shape file reader with no problems, but OGR
steadfastly refuses to open any shape file regardless of any reasonable
input I throw at it.

When I get a chance, I'll see if I have the latest version of OGR installed
and have another go. (I.e., when in doubt, ensure you have the latest
version as upgrading may fix any problems.) Failing that, I'll have to
appeal to help on the GDAL/OGR mailing list because this should work.