Thank you everyone for such quick and helpful responses. So I just want to make sure I understand all of this correctly since it is my first real experience with jar files. I imagine my process of getting from my project to executable application as follows: 1.) As discussed in the PDF support doc, going into the proper directory in mason and running the unix command: make jar 2a.) Taking the resulting jar file and using Launch4j (since it is open source) to create an executable. 2b.) Making sure to add lib/* to the "Classpath" in the respective tab in the Launch4j GUI when making the executable. Is this right? I'm mostly concerned about step 1 as I don't know if this is the right way to make a jar to be used in an executable application. If it is, in which folder do I run make jar? The PDF was not very clear on that. Once again, thank you so much, Steve Kraska