Hi everyone,

  The Library is planning on forming a Student Advisory Group of undergrads and grad students, and after a recent conversation with Brian Platt, I know some folks expressed some concerns about the Library and its policies. Well, here is your chance to be involved in a group that will have some input into those very policies! The commitment is rather minor - 2 or 3 meetings a semester at most. Let me know if you are interested, I would certainly like to "pack" a la FDR's court packing with History grad students since we probably use the Library more than most if not all other disciplines!

All the best,

Steven A. Harris Scott

From: Diane Smith [[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2013 4:17 PM
To: sscott4
Subject: Student advisory group

Following up on our conversation about a student advisory group for the
Have you been able to find any 'volunteers"?
Since we are soon heading into April, I would like to contact folks to
set up a meeting toward the end of that month.


Diane H. Smith
Associate University Librarian
Research and Education Services
University Libraries
George Mason University
Fairfax, Virginia 22030