Hello, everyone.

I hope Spring Break finds you all well (and working hard).

If your field is European, you may be interested in this offer. If so, please let me know. I will forward the names, addresses, and email for the first three students to respond to the EHS/SHA folks.



On behalf of the European History Section of the Southern Historical Association, we would like to honor three of your graduate students in European history with a one year, Max Kele honorary membership in the section. Founded in 1955, the EHS encourages the study of the history of Europe, particularly by historians in the south (defined as the American Southeast with Texas, DC, MD, and KY inclusive). . . . Membership benefits include Spring and Fall issues of the European History Section Newsletter , the SHA program, free SHA annual meeting registration fees, the opportunity to present a paper at the SHA and professional visibility through our online directory. Finally, the student is also eligible to compete for our John Snell Prize ($250) for the best graduate seminar paper written at a southern university in the previous academic year on a topic of European history. To further familiarize yourself with the EHS and its activities, please consult our web page at http://www.utm.edu/staff/accarls/ehs.

After this one year free membership, graduate students will be invited to renew their student membership at $8.00 per year.

Cynthia A. Kierner
Professor of History
Director, Ph.D. Program in History
Department of History & Art History
George Mason University
Robinson Hall B, 343
4400 University Drive, MSN 3G1
Fairfax, VA 22030

New for spring: http://uncpress.unc.edu/browse/book_detail?title_id=2792