Hello, Ph.D. students.
At the beginning of the semester, some colloquium students expressed dissatisfaction with some library policies--notably the length of the lending period and the 50-book check-out limit. I forwarded these concerns to our Library Liaison, Jason Byrd--and I've just learned from Jason that there's been a change in policy to address the more serious of these problems. Please see the message from Jason below (and then bring your shopping carts, suitcases, etc., to Fenwick on Monday).
I have some good news for graduate students regarding our circulation policies. Effective April 1, our undergraduate and graduate students will have unlimited check-outs from our collections . This does not change anything in our WRLC agreements nor does it provide this privilege to WRLC students.

I realize that this does not address the lending period or number of renewals, but it is a change that we are able to make locally to benefit our students.

Please share with your students.



Jason Byrd, MA, MLIS
History and Political Science Liaison Librarian
Fenwick Library
George Mason University
[log in to unmask])" target=1>[log in to unmask]

Cynthia A. Kierner
Professor of History
Director, Ph.D. Program in History
Department of History & Art History
George Mason University
Robinson Hall B, 343
4400 University Drive, MSN 3G1
Fairfax, VA 22030

New for spring: http://uncpress.unc.edu/browse/book_detail?title_id=2792