-------- Original Message -------- Subject: ARCE Fellowship Deadline Approaching Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2012 15:16:36 -0500 (EST) From: American Research Center in Egypt <[log in to unmask]> Reply-To: [log in to unmask] To: [log in to unmask] Having trouble viewing this email? Click here <http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=n8iggpcab&v=001PxvKDHU1N4qH7upwf3ZklqgBGSypv34NVO58FMGltwmoF0tdDFweXyOlyQOdBq-IMWQuSgZR8Znu53bVDfHPM9YaFguoQPIxwOeudQ0SMvKe9ZlC5Nqr6ABeDUX6qJ125iW0Deq2I0M5Rbp6j6bshzv34kr7DThT_vaA46eGXIUVjmOtBypcmlFpdL8AABujvMjDVY9s5WLfyjC6_O7ULC1rZNqoke7-9Zcxgf3nHreh6SVf7UPSc5lagVWUlxqtWmjk1V8_iI5EcTwZY42JExBSJftpSnvl> ARCE logo <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001HJICdGcbQETkZ_ZQXEyU1poC5B6Tp_ND6VM8b-PoaMwtwaM7q-R7fMg4Bab8tbQtARhXRo19g5g7O0OWItLoLB1FvsPavFDScb5rPuzSdPs=> *Fellowships in Egypt 2013 - 2014 * *Applications will be accepted online only <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001HJICdGcbQESOc7UTz8hoMthK_Hp65yh22dVB4K9XeMjlxpNWMfA2ONMr-yKI8nb7DHkr1yqke6ssZlkDd-z2w7Whybr3kCtu8WqwB09B4iac6a6FeRwX5gprSu6ain2iD91zaEyFhqbIYOJcdlRgHDffd6-tUYV9>* *NEW:* The Theodore N. Romanoff Prize has been increased to one $2,000 scholarship to support the study of the language or the historical texts of ancient Egypt. Term: Concurrent with ECA or NEH award. *********************************************************************************************************** *The U.S. State Department Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA)* Fellowships are available to pre-doctoral candidates in the all-but-dissertation stage and to post-doctoral scholars. Fellowships are restricted to U.S. citizens and are for a minimum stay of three months and a maximum of one year. *National Endowment for the Humanities* The NEH makes available 1 fellowship for post-doctoral scholars and non-degree seeking professionals for a minimum stay of four months and a maximum of ten months. *The William P. McHugh Memorial Fund* The McHugh Award provides assistance to a graduate student to encourage the study of Egyptian geoarchaeology and prehistory (concurrent with an ECA fellowship for the study of Egyptian geo-archaeology or prehistory only). *The Theodore N. Romanoff Prize * This prize funds one $2000 scholarship to support the study of the language or the historical texts of ancient Egypt. Term: Concurrent with ECA or NEH award. *A Sample of the 2012 - 2013 Award Topics* * Stones and Status in Daily Life: Exploring the Development of Inequities through a Comparison of Lithic Assemblages in Naqada Settlements, 4000-3000BC (McHugh Award) * Sufism in Egypt in the 7th Century AH/13th Century AD * Common Sensibilities: Reform, Social Relations, and Citizenship in Modern Egypt * The Artistic and Cultural Landscape in the Tomb of Neferrentpet (TT43) *Duration and Allowances* The Fellowship year begins October 1, 2013 and ends September 30, 2014. ARCE fellows receive a monthly stipend to be used for costs associated with the fellowship including living expenses, supplies, and transportation costs for the recipient. <http://visitor.constantcontact.com/do?p=un&mse=001QSVz3SN0NapoyplcM5HGnJ9IDdxylcPX&t=001RVfPwn3ebTaM6J9MAgC0vw%3D%3D&llr=n8iggpcab> <http://www.constantcontact.com/index.jsp?cc=TEM_Basic_208> This email was sent to [log in to unmask] by [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]> | Update Profile/Email Address <http://visitor.constantcontact.com/do?p=oo&mse=001QSVz3SN0NapoyplcM5HGnJ9IDdxylcPX&t=001RVfPwn3ebTaM6J9MAgC0vw%3D%3D&llr=n8iggpcab> | Instant removal with SafeUnsubscribe <http://visitor.constantcontact.com/do?p=un&mse=001QSVz3SN0NapoyplcM5HGnJ9IDdxylcPX&t=001RVfPwn3ebTaM6J9MAgC0vw%3D%3D&llr=n8iggpcab>^(TM) | Privacy Policy <http://ui.constantcontact.com/roving/CCPrivacyPolicy.jsp>. American Research Center in Egypt| 8700 Crownhill Blvd.| Suite 507| San Antonio| TX| 78209