Speaker: Feras A. Batarseh
Title: Incremental Lifecycle Validation of Knowledge-Based Systems through CommonKADS
Date/Time: Friday, 11/30/2012 @ 11:00am
Location: 2901, Engineering Building
Validation is an essential phase in the development lifecycle of knowledge-based systems (KBS). Validation ensures that the system is valid, reliable and that it reflects the knowledge of the expert and meets the specifications. Although many validation methods have been introduced for knowledge-based systems, there is still a need for an incremental validation method based on a lifecycle model. MAVERICK is a novel validation method that aims to satisfy the mentioned goals. Lifecycle models provide a general framework for the developer and a mapping technique from the system to validation and verification. Such models support reusability, modularity and offer guidelines for knowledge engineers to achieve high quality systems. CommonKADS (a lifecycle approach) includes a set of models that helps to represent and analyze knowledge-based systems. It offers a de-facto standard for building knowledge-based systems. Additionally, CommonKADS is a knowledge representation-independent model. It has powerful models that can represent many domains. Defining an incremental validation method based on a conceptual lifecycle model (such as CommonKADS) has a number of advantages such as reducing time and effort, ease of implementation, well-structured design, and better tracking of errors when they occur. Moreover, the validation method introduced is based on case testing and selecting an appropriate set of test cases to validate the system. The intelligent validation method defined makes use of results of prior test cases in an incremental validation procedure. This facilitates defining a minimal set of test cases that provides complete and effective system coverage. CommonKADS doesn't define validation, verification or testing in any of its models. This research seeks to establish a direct relation between validation and lifecycle models, and introduces a validation method for AI systems (such as: KBS) embedded into CommonKADS.
Feras A. Batarseh received the BSc degree in Computer Science from Princess Sumaya University for Technology (Amman, Jordan) in 2006. He received the MSc and PhD degrees in Computer Engineering from the University of Central Florida (Orlando, FL) in 2007 and 2011 respectively. His research interests include the field of software engineering, and to date his focus has spanned the areas of software testing, validation and verification, artificial intelligence, cloud computing and e-learning. He is a member of the ACM and IEEE computer societies.