The Madison Historical Review (MHR) is happy to announce that it is now accepting article submissions from MA and PhD students for publication in our Spring 2013 issue. We are a peer-reviewed online journal dedicated to highlighting work from graduate students in the fields of American, European, Public, and World History. Papers in the World History category include topics on global studies as well as world regions not covered by the other categories.


We encourage submissions from students in all stages of their graduate career, especially those in MA programs seeking their first publishing opportunity. MHR offers MA students an introductory experience in the peer-review process in the history profession. By encouraging MA students to submit their work for critical review with a cooperative spirit committed to elevating the quality of student research, MHR seeks to benefit both students considering the pursuit of a PhD as well as those who plan to seek careers outside of academia.


Submissions for the upcoming issue will be accepted until Friday, January 11, 2013. Articles received after that date will be considered for future publication. Submissions should be presented in Times New Roman font (12 pt) with double line spacing and the default margins of 1 inch on each side and 1 inch at the top and bottom of the page. Submissions should be no less than fifteen pages and should not exceed twenty pages in length. Please note that while a bibliography does not factor into the total page count, one must be included with each paper. Furthermore, our preference is for footnotes rather than endnotes. Submissions must include an electronic copy and a Curriculum Vitae (CV) in Microsoft Word format. Submissions and any questions should be sent to [log in to unmask].



Kimberly Wharton

Editor, MHR


Madison Historical Review

James Madison University

MSC 2001

Harrisonburg, VA 22807

Email: [log in to unmask]