This will be happening in one hour, I'll be presenting some initial 
research on the economics of web mail abuse.

Please feel free to enjoy the pizza and get to know some of your fellow 
grad students!


On 9/25/2012 2:15 PM, Damon McCoy wrote:
> This is reminder for the weekly lunch hour this Thursday Sept. 27th 
> 12-1pm, CS 4201. If anyone wants to volunteer to present something for 
> this week or coming weeks let me know. Pizza will be provided, but it 
> is bring your own beverage.
> In the event that no one volunteers you will be stuck listening to me 
> present some of my work on investigating the economics of ad-based spam.
> Damon
> On 9/17/2012 12:17 PM, Damon McCoy wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I'm going to be organizing a weekly lunch hour for CS grad students 
>> and other CS researchers in the department to present their research. 
>> The idea is to present work in progress type projects and use this as 
>> a way to get feedback on your research and let other people in the 
>> department know what you're work on.
>> The first one will be held in room 4201 on Sept 27th from noon-1pm.
>> For the first week, I'm seeking one volunteer that would be willing 
>> to give a 20 min presentation on a research project they are work on 
>> and possibly one or two people that would be willing to give quick 5 
>> min presentations.
>> Please let me know if you plan on attend so I can get a feel for how 
>> much Pizza to order, but please feel free to attend even if you 
>> haven't emailed me.
>> Damon