Dear All,

The application deadline is quickly approaching for the spring semester in Florence, Italy!  Don't delay, apply now!

Not sure?  Come to the HUB, rooms 3, 4 & 5 TOMORROW, Thursday, Sept. 27th from 4:30 - 6:30pm to learn more....

The Art History professor from the Florence program will be here at Mason giving her lecture on "The other face of Caravaggio's Medusa" starting at 4:30pm, THEN get the scoop on the Florence program with the Director of the Centro Fiorenza and alum from previous semesters (starting at about 5:30pm)!

See you there!

Ms. Erin Mateu
Associate General Manager
Center for Global Education
Johnson Center, Room 235
George Mason University
4400 University Drive, MS 2B8
Fairfax, VA 22030
phone: 703-993-3864
fax: 703-993-2153
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Erin's spring 2012 office hours:
Monday/Tuesday: 2-3pm
Wednesday/Thursday: 11am-12noon
Friday: by appointment 

Spring Break 2013 in South Africa:
application deadline: Sept. 30th, 2012

Like us on facebook!

Application deadline for Winter (January 2013) and Spring 2013 Programs 
is October 5th, 2012!  Don't delay, apply now!