Welcome Back to Mason!

Whether you took time off, or spent those very hot summer semester months here on campus, it's now time to get rolling for the 2012-2013 academic year!

Knowing that you all have very busy schedules, we have arranged to hold our BIS Welcome Week Reception in the BIS office and will have plenty of snacks to grab-and-go as you head to the next big adventure.  You can visit the new office space, and take a cold drink and brain food with you on the way out!

Please join us in Room 230, the Aquia Building, from 6 to 9 PM, on August 30th.

The BIS staff looks forward to seeing you there!

Best wishes,


Lenore Butcher Kuch, BIS '06
Student Services Manager
Bachelor of Individualized Study (BIS)
George Mason University
4400 University Drive, MS 5A9
Aquia Building, Room 230
Phone: 703-993-4556
Fax:   703-993-9476
email: [log in to unmask]  
Web:   bis.gmu.edu