Dear BIS Students: Following below is an update on the Fall for the Book driver request that was sent out recently by BIS alumna, Kim Ruff. Thanks, Lenore Lenore Butcher Kuch, BIS '06 Student Services Manager Bachelor of Individualized Study (BIS) George Mason University 4400 University Drive, MS 5A9 Aquia Building, Room 230 Phone: 703-993-4556 Fax: 703-993-9476 email: [log in to unmask] Web: Dear BIS Students, Sending a big "Thank You!" to those of you who have volunteered your time to drive authors and help make this year's Fall for the Book event a success! If you have not volunteered to drive an author, there is still time! An updated schedule has been attached to this email, which includes flight and train schedules. We can't say this enough - student volunteers are essential to the success of Fall for the Book, so please consider volunteering to drive authors. Duties include picking up authors from Reagan National, Dulles, Union Station, and Mason Inn then driving them to an event or to their place of lodging and vice versa. Please review the document and check us out at If you are interested in volunteering, send your availability or request to drive a specific author to [log in to unmask] Thank you in advance! Kim Ruff Driver Coordinator, Fall for the Book Festival George Mason University, MS 3E4 4400 University Drive Fairfax, VA 22030 [log in to unmask] <>