The undergrad biology program has a teaching assistant position available for the fall 2012-spring 2013 AY to teach 3 undergrad Anatomy & Physiology labs .  It comes with a small stipend (we mean small!) and tuition waiver. You must have a background in anatomy & phys in order to apply.

If you meet the background requirement and are interested, please fill out the attached application form and email only the first page to Joanne Zimmerman, [log in to unmask]  Joanne will contact me for any transcripts needed.   The undergrad biology office will contact you directly if they decide to offer you the position.

thank you,
Diane St. Germain

Diane St. Germain
Coordinator, Graduate Academic Programs
Biology, Biosciences, Bioinformatics
George Mason University
MS 5B3, 10900 University Blvd. Manassas, VA 20110
Phone (703) 993-4263, Fax (703) 993-8976