Dear FAST TRAIN Students,

There are two important changes to the way FAST TRAIN documents student 
performance throughout the program that are effective immediately.  
Please read the message below to ensure that you can comply with these 
changes and complete your licensing and M.Ed. requirements successfully.

First, effective Summer 2012, all students, regardless of program must 
submit the Performance Based Assessment for each course (except 777) 
into Taskstream.  This is a change from previous semesters where 
Elementary or ESOL students did not have to submit some assignments into 
Taskstream.   All students should see a link in Taskstream showing each 
course in which you are currently enrolled (except 777).  All students 
must submit the PBA to Taskstream where it is scored and evaluated by 
your instructor.  Attached to this message is a list of PBAs by each course.

Second, also effective immediately, the FAST TRAIN program cannot 
consider a student a program completer if they have not submitted all 
assignments into Taskstream. ** We understand that some of you have 
submitted work, but it has not been completely scored.  We will be 
requiring instructors to go back and score work.  However, if you did 
not submit an assignment to Taskstream, or are missing any work in 
Taskstream, the FAST TRAIN Program will not be able to recommend 
students for licensure. *All students must go back and submit any 
outstanding work into Taskstream immediately.  This is particularly 
important if you enrolled in a course Summer 2010 or later. * Students 
who are planning to graduate who are currently missing work in 
Taskstream will be emailed individually today.  Other students currently 
in the program will also be emailed explaining exactly what required 
assignments are missing from Taskstream.

If your Taskstream account has been rendered inactive, you can 
reactivate it by contacting Mary Hawkins at [log in to unmask]   If you 
have lost or forgotten your username/password information, you will need 
to either utilize the "forgot password?" link on the login screen, or 
contact TaskStream Mentoring Services (help desk) at 1-800-311-5656 and 
ask them to resend it to you.

For additional information about this policy, as well as a list of 
frequently asked questions, please see the attached document.


Jennifer Lebrón
Coordinator, FAST TRAIN Programs
Division of Advanced Professional Teacher
    Development & International Education
College of Education & Human Development

P: 703-993-3602 E: [log in to unmask]

George Mason University
2600 Thompson Hall, MS 1E8
Fairfax, VA 22030