-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Graduate Student Community Assistant Position - Beacon Hall on the PWC Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2012 15:28:12 -0400 From: Evan Baum <[log in to unmask]> Reply-To: [log in to unmask] To: [log in to unmask] UL colleagues -- please forward the message below along to any graduate students with whom you are connected. The university is scheduled to open its first graduate student housing building, Beacon Hall, on the Prince William Campus this coming fall and we are searching for three graduate students to serve as Community Assistants. There is more information in the attached document and interested graduate students can learn more about Beacon Hall at _http://www.livebeaconhall.com_ (where they can still apply to live even if they are not interested in the position). This position is with Campus Advantage, the company hired by the university to oversee the operations of Beacon Hall. For students interested in applying, they can submit their materials at: _http://my.affintus.com/Job/654 _ Students with questions can contact Alex Soto, General Manager for Beacon Hall, at [log in to unmask] _ -- Evan Baum Director of Strategic Initiatives Division of University Life George Mason University Student Union Building I, Room 4209 703-993-5582 [log in to unmask] http://ulife.gmu.edu