I teach courses using Mason and Eclipse to students using a verity of
computers and operating systems. This year, we all had this problem. Some
fixed it with auto-installs of Java3D. Others had to import Java3D jars.
Some had to do both. One student imported a missing file directly into her
Java installation. I suggest trying the auto-install and, if necessary,
loading the jars. We also did loaded complete jars for JFreeChart (might as
well -- they add to our capabilities). 

The JMF bugs with the media classes will remain, however. JMF auto-installs
in some systems but not others. You can use the jar approach for this.
However, Mason now has a pop-up note that a bug in JMF prevents easy
creation of QuickTime files. I suggest ignoring those errors and use
something like  the free CamStudio for making films, though I have not
tested this.

These are all very minor issues given the superb advantages provided by


John McManus 

-----Original Message-----
From: MASON Multiagent Simulation Toolkit
[mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Axel Kowald
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2012 10:53 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Not all classes loaded, due to error: probably no Java3D

Hello everybody,

I installed MASON 16 on my win7 32bit laptop and the simulation that I
develop runs without any errors. Now I installed MASON also on my win7 64
bit machine and I get the error "Not all classes loaded, due to error:
probably no Java3D".

My simulation runs without problems (probably because I don't use any 3D
stuff), so it is more a kind of annoying warning. It is generated when I
create a new Console object, but the point is that the same
java3d-1_5_1-windows-i586.exe is installed on both machines. So why should I
get the warning only on the 64 bit machine?  Is there a special version for

Btw., I'm using the mason.jar file together with Eclipse to develop my
