-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Dr. Lynn Gerber, Thursday June 7th 11am. Translational Research in Action Seminar
Date: Fri, 01 Jun 2012 14:41:30 -0400
From: Julia Berzhanskaya <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]

This summer, the Krasnow Institute will be hosting a second weekly seminar series "Translational Research in Action." Dr. Lynn Gerber will open the series June 7th, 2012, at 11 am with the talk titled "Translational Research and Rehabilitation Science: Contributors for Success".
Dr. Gerber leads several joint projects between College of Heath and Human Services, College of Science, School of Engineering and Inova, including research on myofascial pain syndrome and applications of haptic technology to traumatic brain injury.

Time: Thursdays 11 am (unless noted otherwise)
Location: Krasnow lecture room (unless noted otherwise)
Coffee and cookies are served.

The details/schedule will be posted on:  

For program questions and suggestions, 
please contact either Dr. Robert Lipsky, [log in to unmask] or Dr. Julia Berzhanskaya [log in to unmask]. 
If you would like to be included on the mailing list (and for other organizational questions) please RSVP to 
[log in to unmask].
The Translational Research in Action Seminar objectives are:
1. to elucidate the path of scientific discovery to implementation in a clinical setting 
2. to facilitate exchange of ideas for translational research collaborations at GMU 
Invited speakers will come from the fields of basic research, clinical research or biomedical product development.  The 

format will include a scientific core, an implementation case study (or proposed biomedical/behavioral relevance) and discussion.