Sounds like you've not recompiled.  

The current version of MASON does not have a getSeriesAttributes(int) method, only a getSeriesAttributes() method which returns all the series attributes as an array.


On May 4, 2012, at 10:03 AM, Joaquin Zabalo wrote:

> I’m trying to extract TimeSeriesAttributes in order to set the line color in
> a time-series by using setStrokeColor(). I followed the suggestions in:
> 	MASON-INTEREST-L Digest - 24 Aug 2009 to 26 Aug 2009 (#2009-25)
> I am using the following sample code segments:
> 	TimeSeriesChartGenerator chartgen;
> 	TimeSeriesAttributes attrib;
> 	XYSeries series[];
> 	series[1] = new XYSeries("Fish abundance", false);
> 	series[2] = new XYSeries("Seal abundance", false);
> 	chartgen.addSeries(series[1],  null);
> 	chartgen.addSeries(series[2],  null);
> 	TimeSeriesAttributes attrib = 
>                   (TimeSeriesAttributes) chartgen.getSeriesAttributes(1);
> 	attrib.setStrokeColor(;
> However,  when I try to extract the TimeSeriesAttributes in the line before
> last, I get the following error:
> 	The method getSeriesAttributes() in the type ChartGenerator is not
>              applicable for the arguments (int)
> Is this the correct way to change the line color?