Tuesday, March 20, 2012 4:30 p.m. RM 252 Bull Run Hall -- PW campus TITLE: LITERATURE-RELATED DISCOVERY AND INNOVATION - 2012 UPDATE DR. RONALD KOSTOFF Research Associate of GTRI ABSTRACT: Literature-Related Discovery and Innovation (LRDI - formerly LRD-Literature-Related Discovery) integrates 1) discovery generation from disparate literatures with 2) the wealth of knowledge contained in prior art to 3) potentially reverse chronic and infectious diseases and/or 4) potentially solve technical problems that appear intractable. This presentation describes the evolution of LRDI by the author and the insights gained/lessons learned over the past decade. Some of the issues addressed include: What is literature-related discovery and innovation (LRDI); What are its main capabilities (Illustrative examples focused on knowledge discovery and characterization); What are its potential benefits; Who are its potential sponsors; potential future initiatives; what are some of the studies, results, and lessons learned? Tiffany Sandstrum School of Systems Biology George Mason University MS 5B3, 10900 University Blvd. Manassas, VA 20110 Phone (703)993-8449, Fax (703)993-8976 [log in to unmask]