Please join us for the
2012 MA-ESA meeting in Blacksburg Virginia on April 14th
(presentations) and 15th (field trip). Our theme is Disturbed
Environments, but all submissions are welcome. Please distribute
widely. A PDF flyer and call for abstracts is also attached.
Thank you.
Susan Day (Chair, MA-ESA)
Online Registration Now Open
Abstracts for oral and poster submissions due February 24
Chapter website:
Conference website:
Call for Papers:
Annual Meeting 2012
(April 14-15)
Mid-Atlantic Chapter, Ecological Society of America
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA
Conference Theme:
“Disturbed Environments: Ecological Impact and Management”
· Abstract submission deadline: 5 pm on Friday February 24th—Submissions may address any aspect of ecology and ecological applications; however, those reflecting the conference theme are particularly welcome. See the Call for Contributed Oral and Poster Presentations for details.
· Online registration now open: Advance registration ends April 7th—Visit the conference website for program details, travel, lodging, presentation tips, and registration.
· Program highlights:
o Morning symposia speakers including Disturbed Environments: The Urban Ecosystem
o “An Overview of Mountain Top Removal: The Issues and the Science” Dr. Stephen Schoenholtz, Director of Virginia Water Resources Research Center
o Concurrent sessions to include a special track on Urban Ecology Disturbance Management
o Student workshop “Getting Funded” with Dr. James Vonesh of Virginia Commonwealth University, presented by the MA-ESA Student Section
o Student oral and poster presentation awards, including a travel scholarship for the ESA meeting in Portland
o Field Trip to Kayford Mountain, mountain top removal site in West Virginia.
Questions? Contact Rima Franklin [log in to unmask] or Susan Day [log in to unmask]