Yea, I thought so. Thank you anyway Sean.
Looks like a bug in the OS X Java VM.
I think that 32 bits maxes out at 3GB, so you might try running something like
java -server -d32 -Xmx3GB -Xms3GB ...
On Nov 10, 2011, at 1:03 PM, Rodrigo Barros wrote:
> Dear all,
> I'm running ECJ on a macbook with OSX Lion (10.7.2), 8GB ram and Java 1.6.0_29.
> I have noticed that my app (a GA for evolving decision-tree parameters/components) crashes when running in large datasets (I get a "Invalid memory access of location" error). This is a bit strange because when I set the JVM to run in 32-bit mode (-d32) or in interpretable mode (-Xint) the GA works fine (though MUCH slower than 64bits normal mode).
> Do you have any idea of what seems to be the problem? I don't think it's a hardware problem since I tested it on other computer and got the same error message (though it was also a computer running OSX). Perhaps there's a bug in memory management of OSX and 64bits JVM in applications running several threads??
> Thank you in advance!
> --
> Rodrigo Coelho Barros, MSc.
> PhD Student
> Bioinspired Computation Laboratory (BioCom)
> Department of Computer Science
> University of São Paulo at São Carlos (ICMC-USP)
> e-mail (1): [log in to unmask]
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> mobile: +55 16 8138-3627