> Reminder: Dissertation Defense
> To The George Mason University Community
> Candidate: Herbert O. Wolfe
> Program:    PhD Biodefense*
> *
> Date:   Friday December 2, 2011
> Time:   10:00 a.m. 
> Place:  George Mason University
>  	    Research Hall Room 91
> 	     Fairfax campus <http://www.gmu.edu/resources/visitors/findex.html>*
> *Dissertation Chair: Dr. Panagiota Kitsantas
> Committee members: Dr. Amanda Dion-Schultz, Dr. Peter Darling
> *
> *Title: "Navy Medicine Homeland Defense, Civil Support, Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Response Assessment"
> *
> *The dissertation is on reserve in the Johnson Center Library, Fairfax campus.
> The doctoral project will not be read at the meeting, but should be read in advance. 
> /**/
> All members of the George Mason University community are invited to attend.
> While the Department of Defense and the United States Navy have 
> executed the missions of Foreign Humanitarian Assistance and Defense 
> Support to Civil Authorities for many years, the events of September 
> 11, 2001 dramatically changed the mission priority as well as the 
> required capabilities to prepare for, respond to, mitigate and 
> recovery from an all-hazards (terrorist/man-made and natural) event 
> both at home and abroad.
> The primary goal of this Military Medical Department assessment is to 
> expand upon and compliment a larger Military Health System (MHS) 
> Homeland Defense and Civil Support and Stability Operations 
> Capabilities Based Analysis (CBA) in order to support Navy Medicine 
> transformational activities.  The MHS CBA provided an excellent 
> baseline for the mission areas assessed, but required significant 
> augmentation to identify and address Navy Medicine specific capability 
> gaps.  The end-state of this assessment is to support direction for 
> health services capability development in support of Homeland Defense 
> (HD), Emergency Preparedness (EP), Civil Support (CS), Humanitarian 
> Assistance(HA) and Disaster Relief (DR) missions and operations.
> This assessment directly supports the Navy Medicine Strategic Plan 
> Tier 1 Goal, Agile Forces:  The Naval Forces will have the right 
> capabilities
> ###