Attention all juniors and transfer students interested in public service 

The mission of the Truman Scholarship Foundation is:

  * to find and recognize college juniors with exceptional leadership
    potential who are committed to careers in government, the nonprofit
    or advocacy sectors, education or elsewhere in the public service; and
  * to provide them with financial support for graduate study,
    leadership training, and fellowship with other students who are
    committed to making a difference through public service.

A representative from the Truman Scholarship Foundation will be on 
campus next week to discuss the program:
Monday, October 17, 12-1pm
SUB II Room 3

Website: <>

Last year, a GMU student was one of only 60 students nationwide to 
receive this prestigious award. If you're interested in public service, 
don't miss this important info session!

You must be a U.S. citizen to apply. To RSVP, email [log in to unmask] 
<mailto:[log in to unmask]> with the subject line "Truman Scholarship Info 