University Libraries, University Dissertation
& Thesis Services (UDTS), and the Division of Instructional
(DoIT) are excited to bring back our three-part workshops, designed to
help you
format and submit your thesis or dissertation correctly and on time!
These workshops will take place at the following times:
Monday, October 17, from 12:00 - 2:00 p.m.
Thursday, October 20, from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Both workshops will be held in 334 Innovation Hall, Fairfax campus.
Both sessions are two hours
long, and both consist of the following three segments:
Part 1: Sally Evans, Coordinator of University Dissertation and Thesis
Services, will give an overview of UDTS and the process grad students
need to
go through in order to graduate--specifically, the format review,
consultation, and final submission of your thesis or dissertation.
Part 2: Abel Roasa of DoIT will introduce you to the Interactive
Template. This
amazing tool will make formatting your thesis or dissertation a breeze.
Part 3: Allison Meyer O'Connor will introduce you to Zotero, a research
that helps you gather and organize your sources and make them work for
you, as
citations, references, footnotes, you name it.
To sign up for either of these sessions, please email [log in to unmask]
to sign
up. We hope to add more sessions as soon as possible; we'll let you
know when
we do.
If you have any questions or need any further information, please
contact Sally
Evans, UDTS Coordinator, at [log in to unmask], or Marlys Shoup, a DoIT team
at [log in to unmask].
order to sign up for any of the upcoming
workshops I announced in previous messages, please send an email to the
following address:
[log in to unmask]