Received: from [] (Forwarded-For: []) by (mshttpd); Mon, 29 Aug 2011 17:41:32 -0400 From: Rana Fitzgerald <[log in to unmask]> Bcc: [log in to unmask],[log in to unmask] Message-ID: <[log in to unmask]> Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2011 17:41:32 -0400 X-Mailer: Sun Java(tm) System Messenger Express 6.2-2.05 (built Apr 28 2005) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Language: en Subject: Tutoring Position X-Accept-Language: en Priority: normal Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="--d7f966505f40550827d9" ----d7f966505f40550827d9 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Disposition: inline Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Good Evening Graduate Students in History, Please note the following opportunity for a tutoring position: Tutor for undergrad GMU sophomore taking History of Western Civilization (HIST 100) this fall. Looking for at least two 2-hour sessions per week, preferably on Saturday and Sunday. Pay is $20/hr and interested candidates can email CV and availability to [log in to unmask] Hope all had a pleasant summer break! Rana ----d7f966505f40550827d9 Content-Type: text/x-vcard; name=rfitzge1.vcf; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=rfitzge1.vcf Content-Description: Card for Rana Fitzgerald <[log in to unmask]> YmVnaW46dmNhcmQNCm46Rml0ekdlcmFsZDtSYW5hDQpmbjpSYW5hIEZpdHpHZXJhbGQN CnRlbDtmYXg6NzAzLTk5My0xMjUxDQp0ZWw7d29yazo3MDMtOTkzLTEyNDgNCnVybDpo dHRwOi8vaGlzdG9yeWFydGhpc3RvcnkuZ211LmVkdS8NCm9yZzpHZW9yZ2UgTWFzb24g VW5pdmVyc2l0eTtEZXBhcnRtZW50IG9mIEhpc3RvcnkgYW5kIEFydCBIaXN0b3J5DQp2 ZXJzaW9uOjIuMQ0KZW1haWw7aW50ZXJuZXQ6cmZpdHpnZTFAZ211LmVkdQ0KdGl0bGU6 R3JhZHVhdGUgQ29vcmRpbmF0b3INCmVuZDp2Y2FyZA0K ----d7f966505f40550827d9--