Hello Volgenau School Graduate Student,

The deadline for the Volgenau School of Engineering Academic Fellowship is August 1st. The application along with information regarding the fellowship can be found on our website at http://volgenau.gmu.edu/admissions/financial_aid.php. Please read over the information on the website before emailing me with questions. The application along with the supplemental materials must be in the Office of Graduate Student Services in the Nguyen Engineering Building Suite 2501 by 5:00pm on Monday August 1st.

Full time and part-time Master's students or Ph.D. students are eligible are to apply for the fellowship this includes domestic and international students and all visas types as long as you are a student in the Volgenau School of Engineering. Persons will be notified by email with the outcome of the decision.  If you have any questions, please direct them to me at [log in to unmask]. Best of luck to all applicants!

Laura Harrison
Assistant to the Senior Associate Dean
Volgenau School of Engineering
George Mason University
Long and Kimmy Nguyen Engineering Building, Suite 2500
4400 University Drive, MS 5C8
Fairfax, VA 22030
phone: 703-993-1505