Hey there class of 2015--a warm welcome to you from
the Center for Global Education (CGE)!

It was awesome meeting you last week during orientation.
Thanks for expressing interest in our programs. Remember,
our first opportunity to study abroad is this January 2012 
and each program offers three credits over two weeks.
Several freshmen have already applied:


Whether it's to explore the Empires of the Sun in Peru & Ecuador,
tour the great cities of East Central Europe, or participate in a
peacebuilding project as part of the program in Cambodia, there are
plenty of options available!
 Winter Break programs are also open to
non-Mason students, so invite your friends from high school who are
now attending other colleges to join you!

After all, study abroad is where learning lives:


Why Study Abroad?
One good reason is to earn a bunch of points toward a
Global Proficiency Certificate (GPC). Contact Naliyah
Kaya, the GPC Coordinator at [log in to unmask] for
more information.

This fall, you should attend "YOU THINK YOU KNOW?"
during Welcome Week for a chance to win a new iTouch.
Best part is, the event will also help you learn more about
Mason. Save the date on your calendar now

In the meantime, join us on facebook and follow our tweets: 

link to CGE facebook group 
  CGE's Tweets  

See you soon, and have a great weekend!

all best,
Kevin Stoy
Marketing Coordinator
Center for Global Education (CGE) 