Dear ECE Graduates,
This is a friendly reminder for students who plan to graduate in May 2011, and are planning to attend Volgenau School of Engineering 2011 Convocation on May 19th.
· If you have not already done so, please purchase your cap and gown at the Bookstore ASAP.
· On May 19th, arrive at Parking Lot A next to the Patriot Center by 1:45 PM.
· Please form a line by the sign that indicates your major.
· Expect heavy traffic on Braddock Road. Due to the fact there will be similar events taking place throughout campus, finding a parking spot may be more difficult. We advise that you double or even triple the time it normally takes you to get to Mason. You do not want to be late on this day!
Please review the attached document for details and checklist for the Convocation.
NOTE: In the case of RAIN, go straight to Patriot Center floor via the lower entrance on the "East" side.
For those who confirmed their presence at the ECE Convocation Reception(RSVP required). After the ceremony, head for JC BISTRO, where light refreshments will be served. This is also a great opportunity to meet and chat with your faculty in a more casual atmosphere.
We hope to see you there on May 19th, 2011! If there are any questions or doubts, please contact us at 703-993-1569.
Sisi Jou
Sisi Jou
Academic Programs Manager
ECE Dept@ Volgenau School of Engineering
George Mason University MS 1G5
Fairfax, VA 22030
Office: (703)-993-1569
Fax: (703)-993-1601