-------- Original Message --------
Dear History and Global Affairs Coordinators, would you please pass
this notice to your undergrad and grad students:
GMU Fairfax Campus, Department of Modern Languages will be offering
Turkish 110 and Persian 110 (6 hours intensive Turkish and Persian)
MWF from 9:30 - 11:20. Turkish or Persian 110 will be followed in
the spring by Turkish and Persian 210, a 3 hour course, which will
allow B.A. students in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences
to fulfill their general education language requirement. For GLOA
students, this sequence is the equivalent of half of the language
requirement for the major. I do hope that many students will choose
to study Turkish or Persian, not just those who need to fulfill a
GMU will offer both 110 and 210 (6 hours + 3 hours) in the spring
and, with sufficient enrollments, every semester following. With
student interest, we will follow with a 250.