-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Call for Papers: 4th Annual Gender Research Conference
Date: Tue, 08 Mar 2011 13:31:27 -0500
From: Christine F Hernandez <[log in to unmask]>

Good afternoon,

Could you please share this on your student listserv?


The Women and Gender Studies Program is currently accepting submissions for papers from both undergraduate and graduate students of all academic programs are encouraged.  

The Gender Research Conference began as the culminating feature of the Gender Research Project.  Following a two-semester course designed to teach undergraduate and graduate students about the fundamental tools of social research, the Gender Research Conference serves as a forum  for Mason students to present their gender-related research to the campus community.  The conference aims to bring together undergraduate and graduate students from all majors.

All submissions are due March 31st, 2011 to: [log in to unmask]
You do not have to be enrolled in WMST 410/610 or WMST 411/611 in order to submit.

Questions?  Contact Women and Gender Studies at 703-993-2896