Dear Faculty and students,

Prof. Yakov Ben-Haim, Chair in Technology and Economics at the Technion -
Israel Institute of Technology will be offering a seminar entitled
"Info-Gaps and Strategic Planning: Theory and Applications" on February 9th
(Wednesday) from 2:00-3:00pm in Nguyen Engineering Building, Room 3507. All
interested faculty and students are welcome to attend.  

Please find attached a seminar announcement with the title, abstract, and
bio about the speaker. This announcement will be also available on ECE
website at .



Sisi Jou
Sisi Jou 

Academic Programs Manager 
ECE Dept@ Volgenau School of Engineering 
George Mason University  MS 1G5 
Fairfax, VA 22030 
Office: (703)-993-1569 
Fax: (703)-993-1601


From: Janos J. Gertler [mailto:[log in to unmask]] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2011 6:14 PM
To: Sisi Jou
Subject: seminar announcement


Dear Sisi,

Please find attached the seminar announcement. Please kindly send it out to
ECE faculty and graduate students and place it on the dept. website.

Thanks a lot.
