Dear ECE Graduate Students,


Please be advised that in Spring 2011 there will be ECE 699/002 "Smart
Antennas" and ECE 699/004 "Systems Diagnostics" offered by Frank Gross and
Prof. Janos Gertler. Course syllabi are attached. 


The course is listed on Patriotweb


            13796 ECE      699      002      FX        3.000   Smart
Antennas          T          07:20 pm-10:00 pm    20        2             18
0          TBA (Frank Gross)         01/24-05/18 

&subj_in=ECE&crse_in=699&crn_in=19495> 19495    ECE         699         004
FX           3.000     Systems Diagnostics       W            07:20 pm-10:00
pm          20           6              14            0             Janos J.
Gertler (P)            01/24-05/18 


Please let me know if you have any questions.




Sisi Jou
Sisi Jou 

Academic Programs Manager 
ECE Dept@The Volgenau School of Engineering 
George Mason University  MS 1G5 
Fairfax, VA 22030 
Office: (703)-993-1569 
Fax: (703)-993-1601