Dear ECE Students, Harris Corporation will be offering a echo meeting entitled "Software fuzzing: a helpful Tool in Vulnerability Discovery" on Thursday, Nov 18th (4:30pm-6:00pm) in Sub II VIP Room 2. All interested faculty and students are welcome to attend - Pizza &Drinks will be served. Speaker Shane Shellenbarger is a Security Researcher for Crucial Security, a subsidiary of Harris Corporation. Shane has attended numerous Security conferences, including ToorCon, Blackhat, and Defcon and was on the winning Defcon 2010 Capture The Flag team, AcmePharm. Please find attached a seminar announcement with the title, abstract, and information about the speaker. Best, Sisi Sisi Jou Academic Programs Manager Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering The Volgenau School of IT & Engineering George Mason University MS 1G5 4400 University Drive Fairfax, VA 22030 Office: (703)-993-1569 Fax: (703)-993-1601