Hi mark,

Good luck with the PhD viva.

I got GeoMason from the Google Code Subversion.

> From what I can infer you're trying to dynamically render
> the color for each geometry based on looking up some real value from
> an agent?

Yes. What I  do is  to updated the  color of the geometry using some  
real value from a matching agent (note my agents are the world  
countries therefore therefore there is a one-to-one mapping between  
agents and geometry. )

Now, the code works which means that the map is updated but I have to  
click on the map (it seems that my clicking on the map the repaint  
method is invoked). What I fail to do is to make the update  

The question is how can I force the display to update the color of the  
geometry by calling the public void draw(Object object, Graphics2D  
graphics, DrawInfo2D info) at the end of each simulation?

   public void draw(Object object, Graphics2D graphics, DrawInfo2D info)
     	MasonGeometry gm= (MasonGeometry)	object;
     	ArrayList<AttributeField> arrayL=  
     	Iterator itr= arrayL.iterator();
     	AttributeField attriField;
     		 attriField = (AttributeField) itr.next();
     		 if (attriField.name.equals("CNTRY_NAME"))
     			 paint = colorMap.getColor(getAgent((String) attriField.value));
     			// System.out.println(getAgent((String) attriField.value) + "   
"+ attriField.value);
         super.draw(object, graphics, info);


The getAgent((String) attriField.value) method returns the 'Oil  
Production' of the relevant agent/country at the relevant simulation  

Dr Vlasios Voudouris  <[log in to unmask]>
CIBS Deputy Director
Centre for International Business and Sustainability
London Metropolitan Business School
London Metropolitan University
84 Moorgate, London EC2M 6SQ, UK

web (CIBS): http://www.londonmet.ac.uk/lmbs/research/cibs/
web (gamlss): www.gamlss.com
web(Cities Institute): http://www.citiesinstitute.org/staff/vlasios-voudouris.cfm
SSRN Author: http://ssrn.com/author=1145910
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On 23 Nov 2010, at 22:48, Mark Coletti wrote:

> On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 11:21 AM, vlasios voudouris
> <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> This is a question about Geomason.
> [code snipped]
>> The above codes works well. But what it fails to do is to update  
>> the map
>> after each step
> Sorry for the tardy response.  I'm a PhD student preparing for my
> comprehensive exam and thesis topic proposal defense, so my schedule
> is a little erratic.
> In any case, I'd like a little more context here to understand your
> problem.  From what I can infer you're trying to dynamically render
> the color for each geometry based on looking up some real value from
> an agent?
> Also, just out of curiosity, did you get the GeoMason code from the
> old java.net site or the current Google Code Subversion repository?
> Cheers,
> Mark