Good Morning History Graduate Students,

When reviewing the department's course schedule in Patriot Web, please 
note that HIST 697 "Creating History in New Media" has controlled 
enrollment and not HIST 691 "Museum Studies".  There has been some 
confusion because the note about controlled enrollment is placed just 
above HIST 697 and just below HIST 691.


	HIST 	691 	001 	FX 	3.000 	Museum Studies 	W 	07:20 pm-10:00 pm 
18 	18 	0 	2 	Spencer Crew (P) 	01/24-05/18 	E 122 	1
	Section 001 enrollment is controlled; contact Rana Fitzgerald to 
register at [log in to unmask]
SR 	11329 
	HIST 	697 	001 	FX 	3.000 	Creating History in New Media 	T 	07:20 
pm-10:00 pm 	18 	0 	18 	0 	Paula Petrik (P) 	01/24-05/18 	R A352 	1

Rana C. FitzGerald Graduate Coordinator Department of History and Art 
History George Mason University Robinson Hall B 354 Tel: 703-993-1248 
Fax: 703-993-1251