Dear Prospective Fall Graduates,

This is a friendly reminder that the online graduation application will be turned off on November 12th.  Please make sure to submit your graduate intent by then.  Additional graduate materials due by November 12th, 2010, those materials are:


1.      Seminar attendance sheet -  10 seminars required. Form available at


2.      Plan of Study – Available at .


3.      Scholarly Paper OR Thesis defense Presentation – Please schedule a presentation and book  a room through me ASAP and submit your presentation flyer two weeks before your present date.


4.      Scholarly Paper Option: Scholarly Paper approval Form – Have the form signed by your advisor and submitted to me by November 12th,  2010. You can either pick up the form from ECE office or download from


5.      Thesis Option: Graduate Thesis Approval Form - Have the form signed by your advisor and submitted to me by November 12th,  2010.  You can either pick up the form from ECE office or download from .  If you couldn’t make it by November 12th, please have your advisor sign the pre-approval part and submit a copy of it to me by deadline; then finish everything by the library deadline which is December 10, 2010, have your advisor sign the final approval part then submit the original copy to me.


6.      Scholarly Paper - Students who are working on Scholarly paper, please submit two double sided copies to me; 


7.      Thesis –Students who are working on thesis will need to submit one double sided copy (regular copy, no need cotton paper with fancy bender) of your thesis to me by the library deadline which is 5pm on Friday, December 10, 2010.  This information available at University Dissertation & Thesis Services website .


8.      Please make sure to update your mailing address for receiving your diploma in patriotweb!


Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.



Sisi Jou

Academic Programs Manager

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

The Volgenau School of IT & Engineering

George Mason University  MS 1G5


4400 University Drive

Fairfax, VA 22030

Office: (703)-993-1569

Fax: (703)-993-1601