Dear Students,
* Especially our new PhD students *
Be sure to enroll in the university's health insurance through Aetna by Sept. 14.  The university pays the insurance if you are a GRA or GTA, and are getting at least $10,000 per year and are registered for at least 6 credits.
 It is an online process - begin on the web page  
The actual enrollment page is  use the link on the left side.  The university pays for medical insurance only, but you can get additional dental coverage if you pay for it.

Any questions please contact our HR person, Andrea Nikoi, [log in to unmask]

thank you!
Diane St. Germain

Diane St. Germain

Diane St. Germain

Coordinator, Biology and Biosciences

Graduate Academic Programs

Molecular and Microbiology Dept.

George Mason University

MS 1H8, 10900 University Blvd. Manassas, VA 20110

Phone (703) 993-4263, Fax (703) 993-8976