Perhaps we can bring the card to Colloquium? Thanks all,


----- Original Message -----
From: Misha M Griffith <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Wednesday, August 25, 2010 11:43 am
Subject: Quick question

> Hello everyone--I think a card for Sharon is an excellent idea. If 
> this graduate program had any glue holding it together, it was 
> Sharon and she will be sorely missed.
> On a separate note, I want to ask those TAs who did not have 
> access to office space: How did you meet with students? I realize 
> students rarely if ever came to us for help, but on the off chance...
> Have you tried the Grad Lounge? I fear the noise level would be 
> problematic, also the lack of private space might be a problem. 
> Any suggestions?
> Misha M. Griffith
> Graduate Teaching Assistant
> Department of History and Art History
> George Mason University