Not in the default histogram in MASON, though it's possible of course  
to create other kinds of plots in MASON with some elbow grease.   
However, I *suspect* that jFreeChart itself may not be able of doing  
muti-y-axis plots at all.  I don't know for sure though.


On Jul 9, 2010, at 3:11 AM, Vlasios Voudouris wrote:

> Hi,
> Is there a way to plot two series of different magnitude in the same  
> chart?
> For example, how can I add a series of oil production, which is in  
> millions, and a series of reserves/production - this is normally  
> number between 0-200.
> Regards,
> Vlasios
> ==============================================
> Dr Vlasios Voudouris  <[log in to unmask]>
> Senior Lecturer - Quantitative and Computational Economist
> Centre for International Business and Sustainability
> London Metropolitan Business School
> London Metropolitan University
> 84 Moorgate, London EC2M 6SQ, UK
> web (lmbs):$-staff-search-results.cfm?QREF=Voudouris
> web (CIBS):
> blog: (Object-Field Blog)
> SSRN Author:
> Save a tree...please don't print this e-mail unless you really need to
> ==================================================
> On 8 Jul 2010, at 22:58, Sean Luke <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> I've added those methods to the MASON distro.
>> Sean
>> On Jun 28, 2010, at 7:51 PM, Paul Smaldino wrote:
>>> public void setRangeAxisRange(double lower, double upper)
>>>       {
>>>       XYPlot xyplot = (XYPlot)(chart.getPlot());
>>>       xyplot.getRangeAxis().setRange(lower, upper);
>>>       }
>>> public void setDomainAxisRange(double lower, double upper)
>>>       {
>>>       XYPlot xyplot = (XYPlot)(chart.getPlot());
>>>       xyplot.getDomainAxis().setRange(lower, upper);
>>>       }