Dear CEIE MS and PhD students, and seniors who are transitioning to an 

I will be making TA assignments starting on Friday for F2010 courses in CEIE.  If you are interested in being a TA (with stipend and tuition benefits) for F2010, or for S2011, please complete and return the following information by Friday, July 2 at the latest:

1.	Name:
2.	Grad degree sought (MS/PhD):
3.	Expected date of completion of MS or PhD:
4.	Semester you wish to TA -- F2010 and/or S2011:
5.	CEIE GPA -- specify if GPA is from BS, or MS, or PhD courses:
6.	CEIE areas for your degree (eg. Environmental; Structures; etc.):
7.	CEIE courses for which you are particularly interested in TA'ing; include explanation of why you are well-qualified to be a TA in each course listed:

Thank you.




Deborah J. Goodings, PhD, P.Eng, F.ASCE, DGE

Dewberry Professor of Civil Engineering

Department Chair
Dept. of Civil, Environmental & Infrastructure Engineering
Volgenau School of Information Technology and Engineering

Nguyen Engineering Building, Suite 1300
George Mason University  MSN-6C1, Fairfax, VA 22030

Tel (703)993-1675;  Fax (703)993-9790;  [log in to unmask]