Evolutionary Computation Digest Wednesday, June 2, 2010 Volume 24: Issue 6 SUBMISSION ADDRESS: [log in to unmask] LIST INFORMATION: http://ec-digest.research.ucf.edu/ OLD LIST ARCHIVE: http://www.aic.nrl.navy.mil/galist/ NEW LIST ARCHIVE: http://listserv.gmu.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A0=EC-DIGEST-L (UN)SUBSCRIPTION INSTRUCTIONS: at the bottom of this email -------------------------------- Today's Topics: ANNOUNCEMENTS ------------- - SIGEVOlution Volume 5 Issue 1 - PhD position in evolutionary computation CFPs ---- - GECCO-2010 Demolition Derby Competition Announcement - Extended deadline META'2010 - NaBIC 2010: Call for Papers, Special Sessions, and Events - [CFP] 3rd WORKSHOP on Parallel Architectures and Bioinspired Algorithms - GECCO Evolutionary Art Competition: IJART Special Issue - Invitation to the ICANNGA'11 Conference - CFP-ECJ special issue on Benchmarking of continuous black-box optimization... - SEMCCO-2010 - In India - IEEE SDE -11 In Paris, France - CALL FOR PAPERS: BIONETICS 2010 (http://www.bionetics.org/) -------------------------------- CALENDAR OF GA-RELATED ACTIVITIES: (with EC-Digest issue reference) IIS'10,18th Intl Conf on Intel Inform Syst, Siedlce, Poland, June 8-10'10(v24n1) ICML-10, Intl Conference on Machine Learning, Haifa,Israel,June 21-25'10(v23n10) GECCO'10,Genetic and Evol Comp Conference, Portland, Oregon,July 7-11 '10(v23n9) CEC'10,IEEE Congress on Evol. Comp., Barcelona, Spain, July 18-23 2010 (v24n5) ICES'10,9th Intl Conference on Evolvable Systems, York, UK, Sep 5-8, 2010(v24n2) ANTS10,7th Intl Conf on Swarm Intelligence, Brussels, Belgium,Sep8-10 '10(v23n9) PPSN'10,11th Intl Conf on Parallel Problem ..., Krakow, Poland, Sep 11-15(v23n9) PABA'10,3rd WKSP on Parallel Arch. and Bio...,Vienna, Austria,Sep11-15'10(v24n6) META'10,Intl. Conf. on Meta. and Nature ..., Djerba, Tunisia,Oct28-30'10 (v24n5) BIONETICS'10,5th Intl ICST Conf on Bio-Inspi...,Boston, MA, USA,Dec1-3'10(v24n6) NaBIC'10,2nd World Congress on Nature ..., Kitakyushu, Japan,Dec 15-17'10(v24n6) SEMCCO'10,Intl Conf on Swarm, Evolut..., Chennai, India, Dec. 16-18, 2010(v24n6) FOGA'11,Foundations of Gen. Alg. XI, Schwarzenberg, Austria, Jan 5-9 2011(v24n3) IEEE SDE'11,IEEE Symp on Differential Evolution,Paris, France,Apr11-15'11(v24n6) ICANNGA'11,Intl Conf. on Adaptive and ...,Ljubljana, Slovenia,Apr14-16'11(v24n6) -------------------------------- Sender: Pier Luca Lanzi <[log in to unmask]> Subject: SIGEVOlution Volume 5 Issue 1 The new issue of SIGEVOlution is now available for you to download from: http://www.sigevolution.org The issue features: * EC Testing of Embedded Systems by Peter M. Kruse, Joachim Wegener and Stefan Wappler * Competitions @ GECCO-2010 by Christian Gagné * Events reports: NICSO-2010 by David Pelta * Dissertation Corner * New issues of journals * Calls and calendar The newsletter is intended to be viewed electronically. Pier Luca Lanzi (EIC) -------------------------------- Sender: Finck Steffen <[log in to unmask]> Subject: PhD position in evolutionary computation One PhD Studentship in the field of evolutionary computation is available under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Beyer. The successful applicant will perform basic and applied research on noisy optimization using evolutionary and other direct search methods. This project is sponsored by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). The main goals of the project is the analysis of direct search algorithms in the presence of noise and the development of new strategies for noisy optimization. More information can be found at: https://homepages.fhv.at/hgb/ or by sending an email to [log in to unmask] . Necessary Qualification: MSc (or equivalent, e.g,. the Austrian or German university "Diplom") in Computer Science, Computational Science, Mathematics, or Mathematical Physics or Engineering Sciences. Candidates should possess good computational/programming skills, should be acquainted with numerical techniques (experiences in nonlinear optimization would be of great help) and must have a strong motivation for research. Stipend: approx. 24000 EUR per year (including social security, etc.) Duration: initially approx. 3 years Starting Date: Fall, 2010 (or later). Application: Interested applicants should send their resume with all relevant information, i.e., curriculum vitae, copies of university degrees (also information concerning coursework, research, experiences), letters of reference or recommendation, publication list in a *single* pdf file to [log in to unmask] and as CC to [log in to unmask] If the applicant has already publications then she/he is invited to send a maximum of 2 papers as separate pdf files. Deadline of Application: August, 31th, 2010 (or until suitable candidates are selected) -------------------------------- Sender: Christian Gagné <[log in to unmask]> Subject: GECCO-2010 Demolition Derby Competition Announcement GECCO-2010 DEMOLITION DERBY COMPETITION 2010 GENETIC AND EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION CONFERENCE (GECCO-2010) Sponsored by ACM SIGEVO http://www.sigevo.org/GECCO-2010 We are pleased to announce a fourth competition will be held in conjunction with the 2010 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2010) in Portland, Oregon, USA, July 7-11. http://www.sigevo.org/gecco-2010/competitions.html =-=-=-=-= Demolition Derby Competition =-=-=-=-= We are pleased to announce the latest addition to the Simulated Car Racing Competition, the Demolition Derby Competition 2010. == The Goal == The goal of Demolition Derby is simple: wreck all opponent cars by crashing into them without getting wrecked yourself. To provide spectacular and entertaining non-stop action, Demolition Derby takes place on a very small circular track (surface: asphalt, length: 640m, width: 90m, number of laps: 1000) and includes special changes in comparison to the regular racing competition: 1. The range of the 36 opponent sensors has been increased to 300m. 2. Cars do not take any damage when colliding with walls. 3. Cars do not take any damage in the front when colliding with each other. 4. Cars do take the doubled amount of damage in the rear when colliding with each other. 5. The last car standing is declared winner of the match. All racing controllers participating in Demolition Derby have to qualify for the final showdown match by competing with each other in preliminary 1-vs-1-matches. The best eight controllers then fight each other at the same time in the final match. The last car standing in the final match is declared Winner of the GECCO-2010 Demolition Derby Competition. == Rules and Regulations == See http://www.coboslab.psychologie.uni-wuerzburg.de/competitions == Important Dates == There will be two Demolition Derby competitions, one at GECCO-2010 (Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference) and another at CIG-2010 (Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Games): * GECCO-2010 - Submission deadline: June 27th 2010 - Conference: July 7th-11th 2010 * CIG-2010 - Submission deadline: August 8th 2010 - Conference: August 18th-21st 2010 == Competition Software == More information on rules, procedure, and submission dates please are available at the official Demolition Derby website: http://www.coboslab.psychologie.uni-wuerzburg.de/competitions For inquiries send an email to [log in to unmask] == Calls == * PDF: http://www.sigevo.org/gecco-2010/docs/GECCO2010-DD.pdf * swf: http://www.sigevo.org/gecco-2010/docs/GECCO2010-DD.swf <... edited for length ...> -------------------------------- Sender: Talbi El-Ghazali <[log in to unmask]> Subject: Extended deadline META'2010 ***** SUBMISSION DEADLINE EXTENDED TO June, 5th 2010 ***** ********************************************************************** META'2010 International Conference on Metaheuristics and Nature Inspired Computing 28-30 Oct 2010 Djerba Island, Tunisia http://www.lifl.fr/META10 ********************************************************************** The 2nd International Conference on Metaheuristics and Nature Inspired Computing, META’10, will held in Djerba Island, Tunisia from 28 to 30 Oct 2010. The Conference will be an exchange space thanks to the sessions of the research works presentations and also will integrate tutorials and a vocational training of metaheuristics and nature inspired computing. The scope of the META’2010 conference includes, but is not limited to: * Local search, tabu search, simulated annealing, VNS, ILS, … * Evolutionary algorithms, swarm optimization, scatter search, … * Emergent nature inspired algorithms: quantum computing, artificial immune systems, bee colony, DNA computing, … * Parallel algorithms and hybrid methods with metaheuristics, machine learning, game theory, mathematical programming, constraint programming, co-evolutionary, … * Application to: logistics and transportation, telecommunications, scheduling, data mining, engineering design, bioinformatics, … * Theory of metaheuristics, landscape analysis, convergence, problem difficulty, very large neighbourhoods, … * Application to multi-objective optimization * Application in dynamic optimization, problems with uncertainty, … Submission papers: _________________ - Submission of papers should be in shape of an abstract of two pages sent before the June, 5th 2010 via the website. - Selected papers will be published in international journals (ISI journals): COR, ITOR, JMMA, ... - Predefined styles are available on the website http://www.lifl.fr/META10 that we invite you to visit regularly and which evolves when the organization progresses. - Invited sessions and tutorials: Deadline 15th May 2010. contact [log in to unmask] E-G. Talbi ( Conference Chair) K. Mellouli (Co-chair) <... edited for length ...> -------------------------------- Sender: Yusuke NOJIMA <[log in to unmask]> Subject: NaBIC 2010: Call for Papers, Special Sessions, and Events The Second World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing (NaBIC2010) December 15 - 17, 2010, Kitakyushu, Japan official site: http://www.mirlabs.org/nabic10/ mirror site: http://www.mirlabs.net/nabic10/ Sponsor: Machine Intelligence Research Labs Technical Sponsor: IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society IEEE Region 10, IEEE Fukuoka Section, IFSA, INNS We kindly invite you to propose NaBIC2010 Special Session(s) (SS) and/or event(s). We also kindly invite you to submit your papers. [Important Dates] July 15, 2010 - Event Proposal Due August 05, 2010 - Special Session Proposal Due August 15, 2010 - Paper Submission Due September 15, 2010 - Notification of Acceptance/Rejection October 1, 2010 - Camera-ready Paper and Author Registration Due [Call for SS's] Please collect authors of at least five papers, and write paper titles, author information as well as SS organizers' information in the SS proposal form attached, and submit to two SS and Event Chairs. http://www.mirlabs.org/nabic10/-page_id=5.htm [Call for Events] Your idea of NaBIC events, such as competitions, panel discussions, demonstration booths, and any others, are welcome. Please describe it, how to realize, schedule for preparation, estimated cost, and others in a proposal form in free format and submit to two SS and Event Chairs. http://www.mirlabs.org/nabic10/-page_id=5.htm [Call for Papers] Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers of both regular sessions and SS's. All accepted and registered papers will appear in the NaBIC2010 proceedings; they will be published in IEEE Xplore digital library except no-show papers without notification in advance. http://www.mirlabs.org/nabic10/-page_id=3.htm Hideyuki Takagi and Ajith Abraham, NaBIC 2010 General Chairs -------------------------------- Sender: Daniel Lombraña González <[log in to unmask]> Subject: [CFP] 3rd WORKSHOP on Parallel Architectures and Bioinspired Algorithms CALL FOR PAPERS 3rd WORKSHOP on Parallel Architectures and Bioinspired Algorithms PABA 2010 ================================================================== To be held in conjunction with the Nineteenth International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques, PACT 2010 Vienna (Wien), Austria. September 11-15, 2010 ------------------------------------------------------------------ This third workshop on Parallel Architectures and Bioinspired Algorithms follows the success of the first workshop held in conjunction with PACT 2008 in Toronto, and the second workshop held in conjunction with PACT 2009 in Raleigh, which incorporated the biennial Workshop on Parallel Bioinspired Algorithms, first edition held in Oslo, 2005 (together with IEEE ICPP), and second edition in London 2007 (together with ACM GECCO 2007). The aim is to join a large number of researchers interested in the synergies arising from different but related fields: Parallel Computer Architectures, Parallel and Distributed Computing, and Bioinspired Algorithms. On one hand, parallel architecture designers, and in general system designers, are starting to bear in mind Bioinspired Algorithms as general optimization tools. These algorithms comprise a set of heuristics that can help to optimize a wide range of tasks required for Parallel and Distributed Architectures to work efficiently: balancing computer load, fault-tolerance and dependability, thermal-aware design, NoC design, and other related problems. On the other hand, the application of Bioinspired Algorithms to solve real-world problems has shown that they need high computation power. Parallel Architectures and Distributed Systems have offered an interesting alternative to sequential counterparts since improvements on parallel architectures are allowing running computing intensive Bioinspired Algorithms for solving many difficult engineering problems. Therefore, any effort for increasing the relationship between both fields would be very welcome by the community. This workshop will gather scientists, engineers, and practitioners to share and exchange their experiences, discuss challenges, and report state-of-the-art and in-progress research on all aspects of the answer to two questions: What can Bioinspired Algorithms do for Parallel Computer Architectures? And what can Parallel Computer Architectures do for Bioinspired Algorithms? You are invited to submit a paper with unpublished original work for this workshop. The topics include, but are not limited to: - Evolutionary Algorithms for Parallel Computer Architectures optimization. - Computer Architecture optimizations using other biologically inspired algorithms: Ant Colonies, Immune Systems, Artificial Life, Cultural Algorithms, etc... - Cluster and Grid Deployment of Bioinspired Algorithms. - Desktop Grids infrastructures for supporting Bioinspired Algorithms. - Large Scale Parallel Processing. - Heterogeneous Computing Platforms for Bioinspired Algorithms. - Improvement on scheduling techniques by means of Bioinspired Algorithms. - Fault tolerant implementations of PEAs. - Performance evaluation of PEAs. - Improvement in system performance through optimization and tuning. - Parallel Reconfigurable Architectures for Bioinspired Algorithms. - Graphics processing units and Evolutionary Algorithms. - Profiting from Cloud infrastructure when running Bioinspired Algorithms. PAPER SUBMISSION: ----------------- Please submit original research results papers not published or submitted for publication in other forums. All submitted papers will be carefully evaluated based on originality and quality. The paper submission site is available at http://bioinspired.dacya.ucm.es. For more information please contact José L. Risco-Martín at [log in to unmask] Accepted papers will be published in a separated proceedings handed out during the workshop and, extended versions of the best papers that will be presented in WPABA 2010, will be published either by Springer as an edited book volume or in a special issue of an international journal (to be announced). IMPORTANT DATES: ---------------- - Abstract Submission: July 4 - Paper Submission: July 11 - Acceptance Notifications: July 25 - Camera-Ready Submission and Early Registration Deadline: To be announced - Workshop Dates: September 11-12 <... edited for length ...> -------------------------------- Sender: Christian Gagné <[log in to unmask]> Subject: GECCO Evolutionary Art Competition: IJART Special Issue IJART Special Issue: BEST OF THE GECCO EVOLUTIONARY ART COMPETITION 2010 GENETIC AND EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION CONFERENCE (GECCO-2010) Sponsored by ACM SIGEVO http://www.sigevo.org/GECCO-2010 We are pleased to announce that best submissions to the GECCO-2009 and GECCO-2010 Evolutionary Art Competition will be invited to propose a paper on their artwork for a special issue in the International Journal of Arts and Technology (IJART). Important dates: * Paper submission (on invitation): November 1, 2010 * Expected issue: September 2011 IJART Web page: http://www.inderscience.com/ijart =-=-=-=-= Evolutionary Art Competition =-=-=-=-= This competition invites conference participants to demonstrate that genetic and evolutionary computation can be applied to create impressive and provocative works of art. The competition will identify the best work, be it an image, a sculpture, a music score, a video, an interactive online experience, or a system that exhibits some form of independent creativity. == Entry Submission == Entrants must submit: (1) a brief artistic statement illustrating the concept, (2) a short paper describing the technical details, and (3) a set of multimedia files to illustrate the result of the evolutionary process. Artists can either submit five still images, or a video of up to 5 minutes, or a sound file of up to 5 minutes. All submissions should be sent to [log in to unmask] by June 18, 2010. == Evaluation == The submissions will be evaluated by a jury of researchers from the evolutionary computation and the technological arts communities, who will evaluate the submissions on the following criteria: originality (50%), technical quality (30%), and relevance to evolutionary art and the goals of the competition (20%). == Presentation == Finalists selected by the jury will be invited to present their submission at the competition session, held during the GECCO conference. The winner of the competition will be announced at the SIGEVO meeting ceremony, on July 11, 2010. == IJART Special Issue == Best submissions to the competition will be invited to propose a paper on their artwork for a special issue in the International Journal of Arts and Technology (IJART). == Important Dates == * Submission deadline: June 18, 2010 * Conference: July 7-11, 2010 * Journal paper submission (on invitation): November 1, 2010 * Expected issue: September 2011 == Calls == * PDF: http://www.sigevo.org/gecco-2010/docs/GECCO2010-EVOART.pdf * swf: http://www.sigevo.org/gecco-2010/docs/GECCO2010-EVOART.swf <... edited for length ...> -------------------------------- Sender: ICANNGA organizing committee <[log in to unmask]> Subject: Invitation to the ICANNGA'11 Conference Let us remind you of the 10th jubilee of the ICANNGA (International Conference on Adaptive and Natural computiNG Algorithms) event to be held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, April 14-16, 2011. Please, take this note as the kindest invitation to participate with your scientific contribution to the conference. All the details of the conference are available on the web page http://www.icannga.com, including Call For Papers, topics of the conference, registration details, key-note speakers, etc. We are glad to add additional information. The best student paper(s) will be awarded and the best estimated papers will be selected for the publication in the extended version in the Springer's Computing journal, with the impact factor of 0.783. In case you hesitate to make a decision about the attendance, we suggest you to visit our site that might persuade you to start preparing the contribution for the ICANNGA'11, also by offering a very solid registration conditions and other curiosities. It will not only be the scientific conference with the very promising plenary lectures of the world-wide recognized speakers and traditionally good contributions, but also social gathering with cultural and culinary speciality of the country. We are looking forward to receive a contribution from you. For any questions, please do not hesitate to ask, via the links from the web page. With kind regards and best wishes, for Organizing committee of ICANNGA'11 Andrej Dobnikar -------------------------------- Sender: Auger Anne <[log in to unmask]> Subject: Call for papers - ECJ special issue on Benchmarking of continuous black-box optimization algorithms Submission deadline:* August 31, 2010 *Guest Editors:* Anne Auger, Nikolaus Hansen, Marc Schoenauer *Scope:* Quantifying and comparing performance of optimization algorithms is one important aspect of research in search and optimization. Because this task is tedious and difficult to realize, the platform COCO (COmparing Continuous Optimizers) provides most of this tedious task for real-parameter optimization, namely (1) the choice and implementation of well-motivated single-objective noise-free and noisy benchmark functions, (2) a sound experimental setup, (3) the tools to generate data output and post-process the data. The platform were used for two workshops on Black-Box Optimization Benchmarking (BBOB) at the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) in 2009 and 2010 Following the two BBOB workshops, we invite participants and other researchers to submit their original work on benchmarking optimizers for real-parameter black-box optimization for an ECJ special issue. Submissions can be extensions of works submitted at the workshops or new submissions. They should be original research which is not published nor currently under review by other journals or conferences. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to): * benchmarking results for new or not-so-new optimization algorithms (stochastic, deterministic, ...) for noise-free problems and / or noisy problems * comparison of optimization algorithms * design of benchmarking procedures Researchers are welcome to use the COCO software platform as well as all data collected during the two workshops. See http://coco.gforge.inria.fr/. Further supporting material and a LaTeX-format ECJ style template that includes graphs and tables generated by the COCO tools will be available at http://coco.gforge.inria.fr/doku.php?id=ecj-special-issue *Submission:* Authors should submit their manuscripts to the Evolutionary Computation Journal editorial manager at http://ecj.lri.fr. When submitting a manuscript, at the same time an email should be sent to Anne Auger ([log in to unmask]) with copy to [log in to unmask] mentioning the special issue, paper title and authors to confirm the submission. -------------------------------- Sender: Ponnuthurai Nagaratnam Suganthan (Assoc Prof) <[log in to unmask]> Subject: SEMCCO-2010 - In India International Conference on Swarm, Evolutionary and Memetic Computing (SEMCCO 2010) Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, SRM University, Chennai, INDIA http://semcco2010.in/ === Important Dates ==== Full Paper submission: July 30, 2010 Acceptance Notification: August 31, 2010 Final cemera-ready papers due: Sept 30, 2010 SEMCCO 2010 Conference on: Dec. 16-18, 2010. ===== Topics of Interest ===== SEMCCO 2010 is focused on but not limited to the following themes: - Genetic Algorithms - Genetic Programming - Evolutionary Programming and Evolution Strategies - Combinatorial Optimization and Metaheuristics - Artificial Immune Systems (AIS) - Differential evolution - Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) - Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) and Ant Systems - Bacterial Foraging Algorithms (BFA) - Harmony Search (HS), Cultural Algorithms - Artificial Bees and Fireflies Algorithm - Artificial Life and Digital Organisms - Swarm Robotics, Evolvable Hardware - Learning Classifier Systems - Estimation of Distribution Algorithms (EDA) - Stochastic Diffusion Search (SDS) - Self-organization in Swarms - Adaptation in Evolutionary Systems - Quantum and nano computing - Common sense computing - Membrane computing - Constrained, Multi-objective, dynamic, noisy and large-scale optimization problems - Novel concepts of memetic computation - Memes, memeplexes, meta-memes in computing and high-order evolution. - Meme-gene coevolutionary frameworks and multi-inheritance model for various practical applications. - Parallel memetic framework for practical applications. - Partial or full or meta-Lamarckian/Baldwinian, meta-learning, agent based memetic computation. - Computationally expensive objective functions - Machine learning methods for Swarm, Evolutionary and Memetic Algorithms - Hybridization of SEM with any method (neural, fuzzy, and others) - Applications in any domain ===== Submission Guidelines ==== A full paper (8 pages, A4 size) for oral presentation should be formatted following the Springer LNCS format. Formatting instructions and submission link can be found on the conference website Extended versions of selected papers will be published in the special issues of reputed international journals. Keynote Speakers so far agreed: Prof. Kalyanmoy Deb. Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur, India. URL: http://www.iitk.ac.in/kangal/deb.htm Dr. K. C. Tan, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering National University of Singapore URL: http://vlab.ee.nus.edu.sg/~kctan/ Dr. P. N. Suganthan, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. URL: http://www.ntu.edu.sg/home/epnsugan ==== Journal Special Issues ==== Authors of selected papers will be asked to revise and extend their articles for subsequent publication in the special issues of reputed international journals. <... edited for length ...> -------------------------------- Sender: Ponnuthurai Nagaratnam Suganthan (Assoc Prof) <[log in to unmask]> Subject: IEEE SDE -11 In Paris, France 2011 IEEE Symposium on Differential Evolution A part of the IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence 11-15, April 2011. Paris, France. http://www.ieee-ssci.org/2011/sde-2011 Paper Submission Due: October 31, 2010 Differential Evolution (DE) is arguably one of the most powerful stochastic real-parameter optimization algorithms in current use. DE is a very simple algorithm, requiring only a few lines of code in most of the existing programming languages. Additionally, it has very few control parameters. Nonetheless, DE exhibits remarkable performance in optimizing a wide variety of optimization problems in terms of final accuracy, convergence speed, and robustness as evidenced by the consistently excellent performance in all of the CEC competitions (http://www.ntu.edu.sg/home/epnsugan). The last decade has witnessed a rapidly growing research interest in DE as demonstrated by the significant increase in the number of research publications on DE in the forms of monographs, edited volumes and archival articles. Although research on and with DE has reached an impressive state, there are still many open problems and new application areas are continually emerging for the algorithm. This Symposium aims at bringing researchers and users from academia and industry together to report, interact and review the latest progress in this field, to explore future directions of research and to publicize DE to a wider audience from diverse fields joining the SSCI 2011 in France and beyond. TOPICS COVERED: Authors are invited to submit their original and unpublished work in the areas including (but not limited to) the following: * Theoretical analysis of the search mechanism, complexity of DE * Adaptation and tuning of the control parameters of DE * Development of new vector perturbation techniques for DE * Adaptive mixing of the perturbation techniques * Balancing explorative and exploitative tendencies in DE and memetic DE * DE for finding multiple global optima * DE for noisy and dynamic objective functions * DE for multi-objective optimization * Robust DE Variants * Rotationally Invariant DE * Constraints handling with DE * DE for high-dimensional optimization * DE-variants for handling mixed-integer, discrete, and binary optimization problems * Hybridization of DE with other search methods * Hybridization with Paradigms such as Neuro-fuzzy, Statistical Learning, Machine Learning, etc. * Development of challenging problem sets for DE * Applications of DE in any domain. <... edited for length ...> -------------------------------- Sender: [log in to unmask] Subject: CALL FOR PAPERS: BIONETICS 2010 (http://www.bionetics.org/) The 5th Int'l ICST Conference on Bio-Inspired Models of Network, Information and Computing Systems December 1 - 3, 2010 Boston, MA, USA Technical cooperation with Create-Net, ACM SIGSIM and Springer BIONETICS 2010 aims to provide a world-leading and unique opportunity for bringing together researchers and practitioners from diverse disciplines that seek the understanding of the fundamental principles and design strategies in biological systems and leverage those understandings to build bio-inspired systems. We are soliciting high-quality original papers in the following topics (but not limited to): * Signal/information processing and communication models in biological systems * Bio-inspired formal models and methods * Bio-inspired algorithms and mechanisms * Bio-inspired software and hardware systems * Biomimetics, bioenginereing and synthetic biological systems * Modeling and simulation of bio-inspired systems, biological systems and synthetic biological systems * Self-* properties in bio-inspired systems, biological systems an synthetic biological systems * Design and performance issues in bio-inspired systems and synthetic biological systems * Tools, testbeds and deployment aspects in bio-inspired systems and synthetic biological systems * Real-world applications and standardization of bio-inspired systems and synthetic biological systems * Socially-aware, game theoretic and other metaphor-driven interdisciplinary approaches to bio-inspired systems and synthetic biological systems Application domains include, but not limited to, autonomic computing, bioinformatics, biological engineering, computer networks, computer vision, data mining, green computing and networking, grid/cloud computing, intelligent agents, mechanical engineering, molecular communication, nano-scale computing and networking, optimization, pervasive computing, robotics, security, software engineering, and systems engineering. Paper Submission: Authors are invited to submit papers in the following categories: * Regular papers: Up to 15 pages * Short papers: Up to 2 pages * Work-in-progress (WIP) papers: Up to 6 pages * Demo papers: Up to 4 pages Papers must follow the Springer LNICST format. Please visit http://www.bionetics.org/submission.shtml for detailed submission instructions. Important Dates: Regular paper submission due: July 16 Short, WIP and demo paper submission due: September 19 Notification of acceptance for regular papers: September 12 Notification of acceptance for short, WIP and demo papers: September 30 Camera ready due: October 10 Publication: All accepted paper will be published by Springer. A selected number of best papers will be considered for publication in leading journals such as: * ACM Trans. on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems (http://taas.acm.org/), * Int'l Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems (http://www.inderscience.com/browse/index.php?journalCODE=ijaacs), * Elsevier Nano Communication Networks Journal, and (http://www.elsevier.com/locate/nanocomnet) * Int'l Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (http://www.worldscinet.com/ijseke/ijseke.shtml). Special Tracks (http://www.bionetics.org/sp/): * Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering * Artificial Life and Bio-inspired Robotics * Biologically-inspired Communications for Nanonetworks * Bioinformatics * Bio-Inspired Machine Vision * Game Theory and its Applications * Network based computation * Socially-aware System Design * State-Topology Coevolution in Adaptive Networks <... edited for length ...> -------------------------------- (UN)SUBSCRIPTION INSTRUCTIONS: - Send submissions (articles) to [log in to unmask] DO NOT send submissions to the [log in to unmask] address. - To subscribe send email to [log in to unmask] containing the following text in the body of the message: subscribe ec-digest-l <Your Name (up to 4 words)> - To unsubscribe send email to [log in to unmask] containing the following text in the body of the message: unsubscribe ec-digest-l - To change your email address, simply unsubscribe the old address and subscribe the new one. - Send other administrative requests to [log in to unmask] - For further information about the digest, see http://ec-digest.research.ucf.edu -------------------------------- End of Evolutionary Computation Digest ********************************