The Department of Molecular and Microbiology Presents a Seminar by:

James Landers, PhD
University of Virginia
"A Generic Microfluidic Platform for Ultrafast Genotyping: 
Sample-In/Answer-Out Capabilities That Revolutionize Clinical/Forensic 
Diagnostic Analysis"
*Friday, May 21st, 2010
Discovery Hall Auditorium (Prince William Campus), 11:00 am.*

Please see the attachment for more information.

Sponsored by:
Kylene Kehn-Hall, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Molecular and Microbiology
National Center for Biodefense & Infectious Diseases
George Mason University
10900 University Boulevard, MS 1H8
Manassas, VA 20110 
Phone: 703-993-8869
Lab: 703-993-9493
Fax: 703-993-4280
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