Greetings, everyone,

I write with news that I wanted to be certain you hear from me first.  We are in the process of creating a new Russian and Eurasian studies center at Mason, and I have been asked to take on the directorship of that center.  It is simply not possible for me to take on the center directorship while continuing to serve as the director of the PhD program.  However, the opportunity to direct this center in my field of study is one that I simply cannot pass up.  For that reason, I have decided that I will be stepping down as the PhD director at the beginning of the fall semester.

My replacement has not yet been named, but I know there are some stellar candidates for the job.  I will work with the new director through the next academic year to ensure a smooth transition.

Please do know that my door is still open to you at any time.  I have greatly enjoyed getting to know so many of you.



Steven A. Barnes
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. Director in History
Department of History and Art History
George Mason University
MS 3G1
Fairfax, VA 22030

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