The National Park Service (NPS) Historic Preservation Grants Division is
seeking graduate students in historic preservation or related field for two
unpaid internships. The two main opportunities are described below.

  The intern will assist with the Certified Local Government (CLG) program,
   established in 1980 to create local partners in the Federal Preservation
   Program.  This is an opportunity to work with State Historic Preservation
   Offices and local government partners. Good organizational skills are
   needed to analyze a recently completed national survey of all the CLGs in
   the country. The intern will be introduced to and may be asked to assist
   with other programs within the Historic Preservation Grants Division
   including Save America's Treasures, Tribal Heritage, and Preserve
   America, providing the intern an in-depth look into Federal preservation
   grant programs.  Hands on experience will include a variety of outreach
   and administrative duties, and opportunities to work with actual
   projects. Interns will also gain a working knowledge of the Secretary of
   Interior Standards and Section 106.

  The intern will research and develop a retention policy for project
    documents related to the Save America's Treasures and Preserve America
    programs.  Work directly with NPS staff locally and offsite to
    investigate various alternatives required for the proper storage and
    retention of the existing collection.  Develop recommendations for
    digitization of records, plans and specifications.  Research a potential
    public interface for the current archive.  Create a catalog and
    finding-aid for collection materials.  Project will require interaction
    with State Historic Preservation Offices and local repositories during
    the research phase.   Project may involve lifting of files and plans
    weighing more than 20 pounds.

There may be some overlap between the two internships. Additional tasks
might also include exploration of the applicability of social media outlets
for the department, web page development, and training and implementation
of ARC GIS maps.

Please email resume and cover letter to:

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National Park Service
Historic Preservation Grants Division
National Park Service
NPS, 1201 Eye St NW (2256),
Washington DC 20005
202-354-2062 phone, 202-371-1794 fax

**Requirements: at least 2 full days per week.
Mack P. Holt
Professor of History, Director of MA Program
Dept. of History and Art History
Mail Stop 3G1
George Mason University
Fairfax, VA 22020-4444

Tel.: (703)-993-1259
Fax: (703)-993-1251
Email: [log in to unmask]