Good Afternoon All,


The monthly ABFAS community lunch meeting *will not* be held on 
Wednesday, March 3rd.  Members of the executive committee will meet on 
Tuesday, March 2nd at 2:30 PM to discuss the organization's current 
status and its future going forward.  ABFAS *will hold* its April 7th, 
2010 community lunch from 12:00 PM to 1:15 PM in the African American 
Studies Resource Center: The Paul Robeson Room, George W. Johnson 
Center, Room 240A (phone: 703 993-4085) on the Fairfax Campus.  Feel 
free to bring your lunch and invite colleagues interested in becoming 
members of the organization to participate.  Also, don't forget to join 
your colleagues for the ABFAS Happy Hour /Meet-n-Greet/ on Friday, March 
5th from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM at Brion's Grille in the University Mall, 
10621 Braddock Rd (phone: 703 352-7272).  For more information about the 
Association of Black Faculty, Administrators & Staff, visit our website 
today at

Thanks to all current members for your continued support of ABFAS.